The whole creation process is down to this toolbar. This toolbar has all of the tools i needed to, insert, cut, add effects, add font, change colour and edit the items that i put on the digipack.
For the front cover i had a clear image of what
i wanted it to look like, i had selected a picture that i wanted to put on the front the hardest part was deciding how to make my idea a reality. I imported
the image and added the font which for the moment was the original Beatles font so it looked like this.
So from this i was thinking of going in the direction of the Reservoir Dogs film posters, wi
th the suits being all black and the skin tones being the same as the background. To do this i needed to delete the background and just isolate the person then do the same to the skin tones and shirt so i would be left with the suit and hair. I tried using the magic wand to isolate just the man and then delete the background but that didn't work. So i then tried the magic rubber, this deletes sections of the same colour and this worked to a certain extent but then it started to delete fragments of the suit which wasn't the desired effect. The final option then was for me to painstakingly go round the image with the normal rubber tool and zooming in really really close . This was how that attempt turned out. As you can see
my hand wasn't steady enough and it didnt come out very well so i decided to scrap that idea and go down a different route. I also changed the font for this particular style, because although not as iconic as the original Beatles font, i felt that it matched the desired look better.
So after that idea didn't work out i tried put
ting many different many different effects, i looked at it sketchy, painted, lighted up, darkened, strobe lighted and many more but they either distorted the image so much it was unclear what it was or just didn't look right so in the end i decided to add a black and white effect to it. I felt that this would give it a slightly older look and also add a harshness attitude to the cover, emphasise the lonelyness of the character. I decided to go back to the original font with this design because i felt it fitted it better than the one i had changed it to, although i did change the colour and add a drop shadow, i did this to . The cover ended up looking lik this and im happy with the way it looks.
The other panels were much easier to design and here is the thought and production process behind those panels.
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